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3rd Annual NFL Flag Football Tournament

Sun, Nov 01


76ers Fieldhouse Powered by BPG|Sports


Registration is Closed
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3rd Annual NFL Flag Football Tournament
3rd Annual NFL Flag Football Tournament

Time & Location

Nov 01, 2020, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

76ers Fieldhouse Powered by BPG|Sports, 401 Garasches Ln, Wilmington, DE 19801, USA

About the Event

Battle NFL Flag Football Tournament hosted by DE NFL FLAG The tournament is Rain Or Shine

Date - Sunday November 1st

Location: 401 Garasches Ln, Wilmington, DE 19801 (76ers field house)

Registration: 9/1-10/26

Co-ed: 8u,10u,12u,14u

Age divisions: Age as of January 1st

8u example: If you are 7 or 8 on January 1st 2020 you are 8u

10u: If you are 9 or 10 on January 1st 2020 you are 10u

12u: If you are 11,12 on January 1st 2020 you are 12u

LOCATION Tournament Address: 401 Garasches Ln, Wilmington, DE 19801


Thursday, October 29th

Coaches Conference Call

  • 7:00 ET This call will be run by our Tournament Director Tom Shrader. This is also your opportunity to ask questions before games start.
  • Team Registration Time - TBD

o   Check in will be held at The Fieldhouse when arriving.

o   All players must bring a forms of identification and their completed medical waiver form and COVID FORM (attached)

o   Please come together as a team, so your registration is completed together

Please bring a printed copy of your roster.


  • All Players are required to have a form of identification.
  • Please be sure to bring a signed waiver for each participant & coach (see attached file).  If your participant does not have a signed copy of his/her waiver, he/she will NOT be allowed to participate in the tournament.
  • Please print out 1 copy of the Coaches Code of Conduct (see attached file), sign and bring it with you to registration.
  • If you are missing paperwork or waiting on a player, please do not get in line.  You must have everyone and everything with you when you register!


  • TBD – Pool Play Begins You will be sent your actual start time once the schedule is finalized. Some age groups may start later than others. Login to zorts sports.
  • Games will be 20 minutes – Two 10-minute halves


  • IMPORTANT! You must provide your own jerseys
  • Each participant is required to bring their set of official NFL FLAG belt and flags.
  • Participants should wear shorts without pockets; otherwise the pockets will need to be covered by tape. Games will not stop or be delayed for players to tape pockets.
  • Participants are required to bring their own mouth guard.  If they do not have a mouth guard, they will not be able to participate.
  • Games will be played on turf and grass fields.
  • We can buy jerseys for you at $30 per jersey.

ATTACHMENTS will be sent in an EMAIL

·         2020 Regional Participant Waiver for all participants and head coach.

  • Coach’s Code of Conduct
  • Roster Form


  • Submit your final roster form to by, October 27th at 11:00pm ET
  • Bring signed waivers for all players and head coach to registration
  • Bring signed Coach’s Pledge of Conduct to registration
  • All players must bring required forms of identification to registration

We are excited to have your team playing in our National FLAG Tournament and look forward to a great weekend of football.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email us.

Disclaimer: All tournament are rain or shine. There are not refunds 1 week before the tournament starts.



  • NFL Flag Team Registration

    Coaches please register your team. You will be emailed a document to fill out your rosters and send back to us.

    Sale ended



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